klimaaktiv Educational Coordination – Phase II

klimaaktiv is an initiative started in 2004 by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management for active climate protection. The aim is to rapidly implement climate friendly technologies and services into the market. Four pillars are covered: mobility, energy saving, building and renovation and renewable energy.


Project type/Funding

Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Austria




Contribution to Austrian's National Climate Strategy in order to reach the targets of the Kyoto Protocol by implementing climate preserving technologies and behaviour.
Development, establishment and coordination of educational offers in regard to climate protection.


Educational providers increase their offers in regard to climate protecting learning opportunities and they are made use of
Learning opportunities with climate relevance are well coordinated
The quality of learning opportunities with climate relevance are increased and/or ensured
The programmes of klima:aktiv are strategically well placed
The learning opportunities within klima:aktiv are efficient and implemented in accordance with relevant stakeholders
klima:aktiv is appreciated as "the" educational platform in regard to climate protection

Target groups

Educational providers, municipalities, trade groups (i.e. plumbers), building sector (architects, builders)

Applicant organisation

17und4, Austria





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