Quality Standards of Vocational Training for Eco Counselling

Standards on a European level to train Eco Counsellors are developed. New forms of learning/teaching and basic skills in vocational and education training are used.



Eco stands for

Project type/Funding

EU Life Long Learning program, Leonardo da Vinci

Reference Number



2004 -2007


Development of quality standards for work and projects of Eco-Counselling on a common European level
Build up common quality standards of vocational training systems for Eco Counselling organisations
Implementation of gender mainstreaming in the work of Eco-Counselling (on the organizations’ level and on the projects’ level)
Development and implementation of E-learning modules for vocational training
Development of didactic methodologies for a Train-the-Trainer course
Lobbying for the job profile of Eco Counselling on European and national level


To reach the above mentioned specific aims, a European wide, multisectoral partnership has been established. 15 different Eco Counselling and training organisations from 8 European countries are taking part in this project. Each organisation has its own experience and within this project they have the opportunity to co-operate and to develop the high quality standards and work on the concepts of vocational training for Eco Counselling

Target goups

eco counsellors working on national levels, training institutes and organisations, students with natural science background




Eco Counselling Europe
Berufsförderungsinstitut OÖ, Austria
Knoll& Szalai OEG, Austria
Belgian Association of Ecocousellors (ABECE), Belgium
Institut Eco-Conseil, Belgium
School of Social Studies, Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic
STEP (The Czech Ecocounselling Network), Czech Republic
Bundesverband für Umweltberatung (bfub), Germany
Tek Form, Italy
ZIVICA, Slovakia

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