DIE UMWELTBERATUNG (Eco Counselling) advocates for a sustainable, ecological development of economy and society. DIE UMWELTBERATUNG (Eco Counselling) is active within advisory boards and commissions and cooperates with numerous organisations active in the field of environmental and consumer protection as well as companies.
Experts provide customer oriented answers to an ecological lifestyle and implement forward-looking projects. Our customers are consumers, disseminators local/regional/national authorities and companies.
Our main aims are
- to raise awareness of environmental issues on the levels of civil society and politics
- to act as an educational institution offering courses and seminars
- to provide counselling via telephone hotlines and with our website and online services
- to develop and implement environmental projects on a local as well as international level with a focus on international, European and regional sustainability goals and policies
Our experts provide advice on the following environmental topics
- building/habitation/energy
- chemicals and detergents
- nutrition
- garden & urban gree
- climate protection
- mobility
- resources & waste
- environmental education
Our offer includes
- independent and customized practical advice for private households, enterprises and communities
- experts of DIE UMWELTBERATUNG Vienna to participate in national and municipal decision making processes regarding sustainable procurement and ecolabels
- counselling programmes for specific target groups and topics
- training programmes for consumers, disseminators, companies and stakeholders
- projects to promote "Green Business" (sustainable products and economic activities)
Provincial organisations
- Mission of DIE UMWELTBERATUNG Wien (Eco Counselling Vienna)
- DIE UMWELTBERATUNG Burgenland (Eco Counselling Burgenland)
- DIE UMWELTBERATUNG Kärnten (Eco Counselling Carinthia)