Funding/Project type
EU Lifelong Learning programme, Leonardo da Vinci
Project number
2011 - 2013
The scientific evidence for the impacts of climate change has grown within the last years. By agreeing to the Kyoto Protocol objectives and with the adoption of the EU's strategy to reach the 20/20/20 targets, the EU and the Austrian federal government have set themselves the goal to reduce CO2 emissions. Thereby municipal and local authorities have been identified as key actors for the implementation of necessary measures to achieve energy saving and emission reduction targets on regional and local level.
However, municipal decision makers need to be provided with the necessary key competences and skills. Therefore Climate Alliance Austria and DIE UMWELTBERATUNG have developed a training course about climate change, climate protection and activities on local and regional level. The main aim of the project CLIPMA was to transfer the course to the neighbouring countries Slovakia, Hungary and Slovenia in order to support the implementation of climate protection measures on local level in these countries and to advance multinational exchange among various relevant stakeholders.
From April 2012 to May 2013, training courses for municipal climate protection managers were scheduled in:
- Austria
- Hungary
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
Target groups
- local decision makers
- municipal staff and decision makers in districts and municipalities
- representatives on local and regional level
- people who are interested in sustainability and active citizenship
Applicant organisation
Climate Alliance Austria
- Reflex Environmental Association, Hungary
- Slovenski E-forum, Slovenia
- Centrum environmentalnej a etickej vychovy Zivica, Slovakia
- akaryon Niederl & Bußwald OG, Austria